December 30 17:10:23

what do you think paint tastes like ?

what do you think paint tastes like ?
what do you think paint tast
I'm sorry, but
What are you talking about
i ' m simply asking you what do you think certain foods taste like .
Paint is not a food
what .

wait, really ?

Its a drink, actually.

well , it would still have a flavor , right ?

what would that flavor be ?

Let me think
Maybe the flavor varies on the color
a different color has a different taste !
A different color has a different taste
I still dont know what their flavors would be, though

same .

wait , maybe bright colors taste nice and ashy colors taste not nice .

That could be true
Could we talk about actual foods

yeah , alright .

what about blue cheese ? aparently it tastes bad .

It probably tastes like The Bedroom At Arles
that bad ?
IDK, maybe
Hey, what about uh
why did you type it in lowcaps ?
Anyways, what would it taste like
uhhhhhh . liquid .
Youre right
